Thursday, June 14, 2012

Grahams' birthday and recent activities

Mom made Graham a special Zebra cake for his birthday.

 The birthday group
 Oh yeah...presents!

 There were lots of smiles on this day.  Happy Birthday Big Boy.  4 years old...can you believe it?

 Leo making funny faces on the swingset.

 We visited Eagle River Nature Center on a beautiful day and went for a little hike. 

 Graham in a cottonwood.

 Where's Graham.  In the hollow of a cottowood tree.

 Mom, after finishing the Alaska Run for Women.  In a PR of course. 

 The boys playing on the slide.

 Our first camping trip of the season with a few friends and family.

 The portage valley bike gang.  They were a force.

 Throwing rocks at glaciers.  portage glacier.

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