Sunday, June 24, 2012

solstice camping on Kenai Lake

 Hiking on the Lost Lake Trail.  Colette will be running a race over this 16 mile pass in August.

 Leo enjoying the sun and wind on Kenai Lake. 

 Beautiful long days.

 The crew.....except Graham who was preoccupied with something else at the time.

 As close to a family shot as we can get with these two boys.

 this was Graham's singing stump.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Grahams' birthday and recent activities

Mom made Graham a special Zebra cake for his birthday.

 The birthday group
 Oh yeah...presents!

 There were lots of smiles on this day.  Happy Birthday Big Boy.  4 years old...can you believe it?

 Leo making funny faces on the swingset.

 We visited Eagle River Nature Center on a beautiful day and went for a little hike. 

 Graham in a cottonwood.

 Where's Graham.  In the hollow of a cottowood tree.

 Mom, after finishing the Alaska Run for Women.  In a PR of course. 

 The boys playing on the slide.

 Our first camping trip of the season with a few friends and family.

 The portage valley bike gang.  They were a force.

 Throwing rocks at glaciers.  portage glacier.