Thursday, November 1, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

Graham plays the monster song

Labor Day Weekend Hike

First, Leo wanted a hiking stick so that he could be like his brother.

Then, Graham led the troops through the rocks and hills.

We made it to the turnaround point.

 A rainbow highlighted where we needed to go.

This was chasing us the rest of the way back.  We had to be quick, quick, quick.

Here's the great little hikers.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lost Lake Run Weekend

The boys in their matching moose jackets that was the hot apparel for this particular evening.

 The cabin by the lake.  A nice place to relax and prepare for the lost lake run in the morning. 

Of course the boys heeded the no smoking sign .

 Story time before bedtime.  Early to bed, early to rise. 

And arise they did, bright and early and mom's already on the go.  That top bunk was a favorite of Grahams.

Guess who is "Too cool for school".  

Graham has become quite the photographer and here he is much concerned that i have been taking all the photos.  We'll post some of his shots shortly.

 As always, the day of the lost lake race is sunny and clear, but only for this day.  The rain returns soon after.

 The boys playing in the intertidal.  Lots of good rocks to throw.

Leo exercising that rookie arm of his with some rock skipping and chucking.

 For the train aficionados.  A playground train and the real thing on the way out of Seward.

This one is coined "Boy in the bucket". 

Monday, August 20, 2012

BigWildLife Run

Post race.  The Boys were happy, but not too happy to have to pose for a photo.   We'll try again next week when it's Colette's turn to run. 


 Our little hiker, climbing high into the mountains.

 Our other little hiker taking the easy way up.

 A little snack on the way up.

Graham at the local airport waiting for some jets to fly over during an airshow.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

recent activities

well look who it is, going for the goal!  The tongue tells the tale...he is concentrating....and scores!

 Leo relaxing with his books.

 The boys aboard the USS radio flyer.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

solstice camping on Kenai Lake

 Hiking on the Lost Lake Trail.  Colette will be running a race over this 16 mile pass in August.

 Leo enjoying the sun and wind on Kenai Lake. 

 Beautiful long days.

 The crew.....except Graham who was preoccupied with something else at the time.

 As close to a family shot as we can get with these two boys.

 this was Graham's singing stump.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Grahams' birthday and recent activities

Mom made Graham a special Zebra cake for his birthday.

 The birthday group
 Oh yeah...presents!

 There were lots of smiles on this day.  Happy Birthday Big Boy.  4 years old...can you believe it?

 Leo making funny faces on the swingset.

 We visited Eagle River Nature Center on a beautiful day and went for a little hike. 

 Graham in a cottonwood.

 Where's Graham.  In the hollow of a cottowood tree.

 Mom, after finishing the Alaska Run for Women.  In a PR of course. 

 The boys playing on the slide.

 Our first camping trip of the season with a few friends and family.

 The portage valley bike gang.  They were a force.

 Throwing rocks at glaciers.  portage glacier.