Thursday, May 31, 2012

Digital Footprint

I have recently become a bit more concerned about censoring my online activity as it relates to our boys in particular. I worry about creating a digital footprint of them that can be viewed by anyone. This blog started out as a way for us to share pictures and experiences with our loved ones who are far away. We want to continue to do that and it is fun for us too. But as the boys get a little older, I do want to make sure that I protect their privacy as well. We are testing out a way for us to restrict the blog to only folks that we allow. We are testing it with a couple people to see if it is still easy to use, and if people would still check the blog. Please let us know what you think. Once we know that it will work well for everyone, then we will add access to more family and whomever wants it (I didn't want to type in all of those email addresses until I need to). In the meantime... here is a cute picture of Leo surprising his Nana on her 70th birthday!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Well that was easy....

No training wheels!!!
Who knew that all we had to do was take them off? Didn't know we were holding him back :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Summer is inevitable in Airport Heights!

 Sleepy leo with daddy
We frequent the trails out our back door, 2, 3+ times a day. Graham is "King" of Airport Heights!
 Little explorer
 Coming and going, and up to no good!
Big brother helping little brother over the magical bridge!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Leo's Baptism

All the Rasy boys got dressed!
The little man just won't give up that bink. He is very serious about his bink.
Leo and Dad!!!
Leo and Mom!!!
Father Dan and family after Leo's baptism at St. Patrick's Church
 Leo's "Alaskan" Godmother Eileen!
Big man with a tie!!