Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lost lake run 2011

Mom and Graham at the finish line. 16 miles from the start.

Leo had a good breakfast and then was ready to drive....

Graham and Leo right after mom left for the race.

The sun did shine for awhile the night before the race. A good omen.....but it wasn't to be.

reading books the night before the race. Early to bed for everyone.

Leo showing off those teeth.

Potter in his element.

Mom and Graham pointing to the lost lake pass where the race would traverse tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

East Coast 2011!!!!

Thank you to all who traveled far and somewhat near to see us!! WE REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!! It means so much to us. Sorry that we didn't get pictures of everyone, I was having camera difficulties. Send us your pics so the can make it into the 2011 Slover-Rasy album. Let's do it again in 2012!!!!
Sorry the pics are out of order.

Uncle Mark and Graham

Graham at the Zoo!
Leo was discovering his tounge that day! Here he is in the butterfly preserve.
Water park!! Hot summer days.
A walk with Grandma
Mommy and Leo at Isola Bella (Amy's wedding)
Amy and Scott!! Happy couple!
Lake Henry
We had our house painted while we were gone---- still getting used to it.
Frank and Margaret and family!
Baba and Leo
The full spectrum of Slover personality. Brad who won't look or react to a photo request, and then there is GrUncle Frank. Need I say anything more?
Thanks Nana and Baba for the awesome Family BBQ. Hi Graham!
BFFs and beautiful little girl.
Leo's naptime in the lake. I think he was in there for 45 minutes. Thanks Nana!
Baba and his morning coffee on the dock
Nana & Leo
PA Power Plant
Graham and Dad's track medals!
Grandma & Grandpa
The boys
Kathy and the kids
Oldest and youngest cousin. Drew just loved his new cousin!