Sunday, December 25, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Winter Solstice Fun

We had a big day! First, a visit to see the big guy at Mommy's work.

Followed by swim lessons. Graham had a blast and didn't want to get out of the pool! Followed by an evening hike at the Eagle River Nature Center for Winter Solstice. The walk was lit with ice lanterns and kids carried homemade lanterns. There was a big bonfire, caroling, marshmellow toasting and food to share.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Snow again

Our Little ZebraThe best I could do to get a picture of them together.
Artist in action

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Town Square Christmas Tree Lighting

Santa getting ready to light the tree!
Daddy and Leo at Town Square
Look who we ran into on the way to the tree lighting ceremony!!!! Santa just flew in from the North Pole to light the tree!!!! Wow!!
Santa and all of his reindeer!
Our little urban ski hut.
The kids table at Thanksgiving!! We were at Candace's new house!!
Leo with his new art supplies he got for his birthday.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Another one of the Birthday Boy

In case you were wondering how many teeth he has lately!


We had a BLAST at the Mooses Tooth for Leo's Birthday. Again, it is impossible to get a good picture of these kids.
Leo's sweet birthday cupcake. Yummmmm...
Leo's lion cupcake cake!
Leo was the star of the party!!!

Happy Birthday Leo!!! We love you so much!

Family Photo Then (11/19/10) and Now (11/19/11)

Graham on 11/19/ 2010 not wanting to participate in the family photo. On our way to the hospital to deliver Leo.
Graham on 11/19/2011 not wanting to participate in the family photo. This time Leo is on the outside.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The snow is here to stay

Trick or Treat

Big brother little brotherWheat bread on the left, cinamin/ raisin/ nut on the right. The nuts and raisins actually made it in the bread this time. It was quite the treat to come in from the snow to some home made cinnamin bread! YUM!
Nap time.

How beautiful! The trail near our house.