Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!! 2011

Happy New Year from the Rasy boys!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas! 2010

Christmas Eve Dinner with the gang at Benihana

Baby Leo!!

Graham loved all of his toys!! Trains, dinosaurs, trucks, books, kitchen stuff...

Strega Nona & Where the Wild Things Are

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Break

Someone decorated the forest again this year!

Silly kid
Tucked away nice and warm
Handsome guy
Leo in his candy cane outfit chilling with Dad

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A cold day at goose lake

It was Leo's first big alaskan adventure.....up to goose lake in single digit temps to watch people jump into the lake. If it looks cold, it's because it was cold.

Guess where Leo is? Nicely tucked away, oblivious to the craziness that surrounds him.

Graham quite enjoyed the spectacle.

People jumping into a frozen lake. It was painful to watch. But good on them for doing it for a good cause.

Leo, of course, never thought second of it.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Leo's First Bath

Can you tell which baby is Graham and which one is Leo??? HINT: Leo is the one with the double chin :)

Answer down below....

Mom's walk to goose lake with Potter
Dad's Hat.
Graham's new pj's from Nana!

ANSWER: First photo is Graham, Second is Leo

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

more good times with the gang

Little Leo is going to miss having Nana around. So are the parents.

Graham has been spending some quality time with Nana and will have to adjust to having his room to himself again.

This is what the two of 'em are always up too. Just kidding.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Good Times with Nana

Graham LOVES having his Nana around!! He has been a very happy camper.

We decked the halls...
Leo's little feet

Big brother