Saturday, January 31, 2009

playing, eating and smiling

Graham gets quite serious when its dinner time and the food is cooking.

especially after building up an appetite with all his play and rolling around.

hanging with my dog.

I love my mock turtle neck.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Handsome Guy

Ahhh... back to where I belong. In my chariot at goose lake.
I think I might have grey eyes
what do you think?
All dressed up and no place to go. Oh wait, I did have some place to go--- my mom was going to take me to the folkfest when I fell asleep for two hours!! Oh well! Naps are pretty cool too.
Mommy's guys

Crazy Boy

Nothing like going to the doctors office and getting your birthday suit on as an excuse to get wild! Our 21 pd 2 oz. chubby boy was showing off and entertaining the doctor
Acting silly

Mommy's peas are ok... i guess

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A fun trip back East!!!

Graham got to play in the sand! He really liked the way it felt in his little hands!

Cousin Kiersten traveled to NC to see us!! What a cutie she is! Graham was happy to have a playmate.

Aunt Kathy and GrahamThe boys. No, don't get up! :)

Sorry Kiersten (and Kathy). This one was to cute, had to post it.

More beach...

Nothing like a nap on the beach! ahhhhh

I love my Nana!!!

Mommy and me

Have you hugged your Democratic US Senator today? I was able to attend Begich's swearing in and have some cocktails later on at the Willard.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Graham makes it back to AK

Graham made it back to AK and has been hanging out around the house. Pics of his trip back east will be forthcoming.