Monday, June 30, 2008

Graham loves to hang out with his mom

Graham loves to spend his days with his mom, going for walks and getting in some naps. When he's not sleeping and looking cute, he's awake and looking cute.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Things that I do

Big SMILEs for a little Graham

Caught one on camera!Another bath for Graham...
It is so nice to have auntie Amy in Alaska this summer...
My birth certificate arrived in the mail today...
A teddy "graham"...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The many faces and hats of Graham

Graham has been resting and recovering from all the excitement of his grandparents being in town. He's been trying on many hats in the meantime and really likes his Rastafari hat. He looks like a bean when he's all swaddled up.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Nana and Baba head home to PA

Graham was very sad to say goodbye to Nana and Baba today. He had such a good time with them, cuddling, and just hanging out. Thankfully, we will get to see them again in August when we head to PA to meet everyone. Graham also had his first dinner out tonight at the Brewhouse, yummy, yummy.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Just another typical graham day

Graham has had a little down time from his blog, but fear not, he still has been impressing his parents and grandparents with his easy demeanor and ability to roll with whatever. Even Potter seems impressed with his little brother.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Graham gets a bath

The day started off the same as all the other days before them..........

.....Except on this day graham discovered what a bath is..........

......and he really didn't take to kindly to this new introduction.......

......until he realized that it was just another day, in which he could sleep and rest and play.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

graham meets his first binky

Graham got the go ahead to try his first binky. He didn't know what to think about it at first, but quickly decided that he thoroughly liked it and would like to keep it.

Graham doing push-ups

Graham visits the doctor

Graham loves going to the doctor! He is 8lbs, 6oz (gaining weight nicely) and has grown 2 inches since his birthday (now he is 22 inches). Mom and Dad are so proud of our growing boy. Graham also received the "green light" to have a bath, so check back for photos of his first bath.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another wonderful day for Graham

It may look like Graham is sleeping a lot, but these pictures show every moment he slept on this particular day. Also, Graham likes to meet up with friends at his favorite hangout, Goose Lake. The days are long and beautiful and Graham is doing great. Today, Graham turns 2 weeks and he goes in for his 2 week checkup tomorrow.

Monday, June 16, 2008

graham michael looking cute

Another beautiful day for Graham. He was very alert today, really taking notice of things around him and then going out for a walk with his mommy and nana. Since it was his dad's first father's day, Graham doesn't mind another gratuitous fathers day photo.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's day events

Father's Day was busy around E. 20th and Graham got to go out again for a walk and meet up with some of his friends. He even got his dad a card on his first father's day, what a boy!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

going for a stroll and visitors

Graham michael has been busy going for strolls and entertaining all his visitors. He still likes to sleep a lot, both day and night, but he always has time for friends.